Monday, April 12, 2004


So what if Iwanted to talk about serious things? What is so harmful about being serious once in a while? I can’t go on pleasing every man everyday, living up to their version of “being a lady”. I can’t be as fragile as they thought I would be, dealing with a situation like this. Are they threatened by my consciousness? My awareness? How dare you telling me what to think? Can’t stand getting confronted by a mere woman just because she’s a woman? Well, screw you, get out of my way! I have no interest in comforting you in the first place!

Maybe you think that being serious is only for unattractive women..or lesbians! Sure, you apparently think that no lady should think about heavy-duty major problems, because it will only make their skin wrinkle and wiping away their smile of their sweet lips. Not to mention scary tones and widened eyes everytime they try to make their point. And those eyebrows, you remember how they seem to grow thicker everytime those fine ladies raise their voices. How you hate that to happen!
Here’s the deal. You men have made all the wrong decisions. They just seem right because you’ve covered them all up. Why don’t you ask women for help? Shouldn’t we be compatriots? Shouldn’t we be partners? Admit it, you need us. Again, YOU NEED US. And, you. Stop being a jerk for a moment and let this “fine lady” help you. It won’t hurt, I promise you. Well, maybe only your pride, Caveman.


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